Het team van MAGNEZOL® bestaat uit jonge, enthousiaste ondernemers die gepassioneerd zijn over gezondheid en een soms obsesieve interresse delen met betrekking tot het verbeteren van het menselijk vermogen en onze levenskwaliteit. 

Concreet is ons missie streven niets minder dan:
dat we voor een ieder waarmee we in contact komen een direct, doeltreffende, positieve impact op diens welzijn teweeg brengen. 
Door middel van onze producten of door toepassing van de kennis die we verspreiden.

Onze missie-statement komt het beste tot uiting in de volgende set van 5 kernwaarde.

We believe that every single one of us has the infinite power to live a life full of health, wealth, fun and well-being. Whatever that may be or mean to any individual. We are not meant to survive, we are meant to thrive. We are here to spread awareness about the importance of the essential minerals that our body needs to make us feel really good. Worldwide Magnesium Awareness, that is our ‘Dream Big Goal’

We believe that knowing what your body needs to thrive is the secret to the true achievement of wealth & health. Please don’t get us wrong. Because wealth is a feeling state rather than possessions or money. When you are feeling wealthy in health and life, you will automatically feel inspired to do the things your heart is longing for. Instead of putting them off once more because you just didn’t have the energy.
We believe that the secret to living is giving. One of the foremost reasons we want to share our knowledge with you. This is about the importance of supporting your body to make sure it functions at its best. Providing you with an optimum mood, energy, stamina, and libido! With the help of essential minerals and the appropriate good mood foods, this is fact. It’s our dedication to support you in taking charge over your own health. By taking responsibility for your well-being, you are taking back your power and above all improve your life quality! We want you to connect with your potential and we are here to support you along your journey.
We believe that together as a community we can inspire people to take back their power. By spreading knowledge and educate people about the importance of essential minerals and the appropriate food choices we can change the world, literally… We are all able to thrive in life, and when humans thrive they do the most wonderful things.
We believe that if you want to make a positive impact, you must be Authentic and remain consistent. Because when you are true to yourself you show strength and faith that can change the world. We believe we can make the world a better place by serving people who are passionate about their health and well-being. We strongly believe in authenticity, honesty, and integrity,

that’s why we are known as your number One Authentic Magnesium brand: MAGNEZOL® Magnesium Solutions.